String Methods in C#: Everything you need to know

A string is an object of type String whose value is text. In C#, the string keyword is an alias for the String class.
C# provides many methods for creating, manipulating, and comparing strings. Let’s look at some of the most commonly used string methods below.


This method helps to make a clone of a string that returns another copy of the same string.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using Clone() method
string s2 = s1.Clone();

Console.WriteLine("Clone String : {0}", s2);

// Output-> "Clone String : CheeseBlogger"


This method checks whether a specified character or string exists in the base string.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using Contains() method
bool result = s1.Contains("m");

Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}", result);

// Output-> "Result : false"


This method helps in comparing two strings. It returns true if both strings are the same.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using Equals() method
string s2 = "Cheese Blogger";

bool result = s1.Equals(s2);

Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}", result);

// Output-> "Result : false"


This method returns a new string in which a given string is inserted at a specified index position.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using Insert() method
string s2 = s1.Insert(6, ' ');


// Output-> "Cheese Blogger"


This method splits the string into a string array based on the specified value.

string s1 = "Cheese Blogger";

// using Split() method
string[] s2 = s1.Split(' ');


// Output-> "["Singh", "Sharp"]"


This method converts a string into a char array.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using ToCharArray() method
string[] s2 = s1.ToCharArray();

// Output-> "["C", "h", "e", "e", "s", "e", "B", "l", "o", "g", "g", "e", "r"]


This method returns a copy of the string converted to lowercase.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using ToLower() method
string s2 = s1.ToLower();

// Output-> "cheeseblogger"


This method returns a copy of the string converted to uppercase.

string s1 = "CheeseBlogger";

// using ToUpper() method
string s2 = s1.ToUpper();




This method returns a new string in which all leading and trailing occurrences of a specified character from the current string are removed.

string s1 = "**CheeseBlogger**";

// using Trim() method
string s2 = s1.Trim('*');

// Output-> "CheeseBlogger"

So here are some commonly used string methods we use in C#. Do you use any other method? Let me know in the comments below. Also, if you want to learn about contextual keywords in C# then read this blog.

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